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An Interview with Peers Lifting Peers (PLP)

Peers Lifting Peers Interview

By: Jane Ramos

Learning about what opportunities the RVA offers and getting help is important and useful especially when you’re a new student. A new program has emerged to aid with that specific idea called Peers Lifting Peers. Here to elaborate is Pam Beron an advisor for PLP, in an exclusive interview.


Q: What is PLP?

A: PLP stands for Peers Lifting Peers. We are a group of veteran RVA students who want to help guide new students with learning how the RVA works, and help them connect with their peers.

Q: How does PLP work?

A: Right now, new students can just come to our group with any questions or problems they are having. We then try to help them out. We are a new group, so this may change and we may come up with other ways to make it work depending on our needs.

Q: When & Where does PLP meet?

A: We meet on Thursdays from 11:00-11:30 in RVAHS Room 7.

Q: Who is PLP’s target audience?

A: New students that are coming into the RVA or new to having classes online. We are also looking to expand our mentor group by adding more veteran students who can help new students.

Q: What are the benefits of PLP?

A: For new students, it’s a way to gain knowledge and be comfortable in the RVA. Making friends. Learning the ropes faster. The mentors can learn things as they mentor, make new friends, and spend time helping others. Having experience as a Mentor also looks good on college applications and job resumes.

Q: How can you get involved with PLP?

A: Student can email our student mentor leader, Hazel, at or contact the PLP advisor, Mrs. Beron at Students can also just show up to our meetings.

Q: What are the requirements and commitments associated with PLP?

A: Mentor - show up to the meetings or give at least 24-hour notice, when possible, if you are unable to make it; desire to help others; possibly needing to maintain confidentiality; positive outlook; respectful

Mentee - be respectful with your questions, come to meetings if you have a lot of questions. You can send an email if it’s something quick or not too complicated to explain.

Q: What goals are you and those in PLP working towards?

A: Helping students feel welcome and comfortable in the RVA. Making sure students have options to get help.

Q: What goals do you and those in PLP hope to achieve in the future?

A: More options for ways students can ask questions of their mentors, having a monthly column featured in RVA Weekly with tips, tricks, and other information. Adding more mentors to our group.

Q: What are the biggest obstacles for your present and future goals?

A: Lack of awareness about the group. We are still working on drumming up interest in the group.

Q: Do you have anything else that you would like to say to the readers?

A: If you aren’t sure if you want to join PLP or not, you are welcome to come to a meeting and check things out. You can also reach out to Hazel or Mrs. Beron if you have more questions.

Thank you to those at PLP for sharing with us. We hope that you will give PLP a chance, whether it’s for being mentored or perhaps mentoring a fellow peer, feel free to check out a meeting. Contact information will be listed below. I hope you enjoyed learning about this great program and you will let your interest guide you.


Mrs. Beron’s Email:

Hazel’s Email:

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