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Okay... | By Anonymous

This poem is drenched with sorrow. The writer has lost someone dear to her and the surrounding people can only bark questions at her. The inquiries are answered vaguely and falsely. She starts to question if her feelings are real and if she is allowed to feel that way for so long. We can feel the heartache showcased here and it makes us despondent.



I get asked,

Are you okay?

What happened?

Where is he?

What do I say to all these questions being thrown at me…

Am I okay?

Do I want to talk about what happened?

Do I say the truth where he is?


Do I say what happened between us?

Another day...

Why haven't you been eating?

Why are you so sad?

Why are you down today?

Yet again what do I say to all these questions

Being thrown at me

I'm just not hungry right now I say..

I'm... not sad I just don't feel good today.

I am not down today I just have a headache.


Why are you crying its been 3 days?

Did you take your anti-depression pill today?

How are you still depressed?

I didn't know there was a time limit to my pain.

Is there?

I did take my pill today but it didn't help…

Maybe because nobody told me

It would hurt this much.


I am not depressed today.

But I am upset still today.

That is okay.

I held his jacket to my chest last night

And I cried as my head filled with thoughts...


No pill can make the pain go away

No there isn't a limit of days I can be in pain.

It has only been 4 days but feels like 4 minutes.

But today I realized I will be okay

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