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Side Character | By Meagan Saylor

This poem titled "Side Character" relates characters in a story to people in real life. We can relate to background characters at one time or another, and this piece helps us realize it. We see that the people who relate to side characters feel forgotten and sorrowful, never knowing when they will be recognized. Overall, this poem embodies how we feel at times when we compare ourselves to these side roles.


Side character,

This is what she was,

The shy comic relief for the story,

Looking like she had no flaws,

The person to progress the plot,

The one who you don’t know their past,

The guy who's helpful,

And the girl with sass,

They feel lonely even with their “friend”,

The only love they ever get,

Is when they’re written in.

They can’t tell people their problems,

Because it would drag the story,

They’re left wondering when their happy ending will come,

Or when they will finally get their glory,

But alas, that time will never come,

For they’re in the story for only one,

That is the main character of course,

Because if they’re unhappy,

There’d be no income.

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